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Multi Eye Movement Integration (MEMI)

Multi Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) is a sensory based eye movement therapy designed to address PTSD symptoms by targeting the brain's limbic system, which regulates behavior and emotions. Developed by Dr. Mike Deninger, an expert in trauma treatment, MEMI builds on the 1989 Eye Movement Integration (EMI) technique by Steve and Connie Andreas and incorporates advancements in brain science.

The Jenesis Approach

MEMI works by using strategic eye movements and sensory techniques to reorganise how traumatic memories are processed. By targeting sensory experiences like visuals, emotions, sounds and smells, MEMI helps change how you think about past events without needing to discuss the details. Guided eye movements and verbal prompts reduce brain activity linked to trauma, leading to faster results which is typically in 1 to 3 sessions, while allowing you to remain fully in control and relaxed during the process.

Key Benefits

  • Typically 1 to 3 sessions, fewer than other eye movement therapy 

  • Doesn't require discussing your  traumatic details

  • Most people find the process completely relaxing.

  • Long term results, fewer sessions and a affordable approach to managing past trauma.

Heal the trauma and find your peace
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